Nouns That Start With A
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We use nouns for naming. There are so many helpful, fun nouns that start with A.
Short 2 and 3 Letter Nouns That Start with A
Some short handy nouns start with A, such as:
- Ax
- Ant
- Arc
- Act
- Ape
- Arm
- Art
- Ash
- Awl
- Awn
- Aye
50 Popular Nouns Beginning With A
Now we will look at 50 popular nouns starting with A along with their definitions:
- Accountant – someone who keeps financial records
- Actor – someone who performs in plays, movies, etc.
- Air – the gas that surrounds the earth
- Aisle – a walkway between rows of seats
- Alias – an assumed name
- Alley – a narrow street or passage
- Almond – an edible tree nut
- Alpaca – a South American mammal related to llamas
- Aluminum – A light silver metal.
- Amazement – A feeling of being very surprised
- Amber – a yellowish fossil resin
- Ambition – a strong wish to succeed
- Ambulance – a vehicle for transporting the injured
- Ammunition – projectiles or explosive compounds used in guns
- Amusement – something that entertains and causes laughter or smiles
- Amphibian – an animal that lives on land and in water
- Anchor – a heavy object on a boat that keeps it in place
- Ankle – The part between your foot and leg.
- Anniversary – the date each year that remembers something important that happened before
- Announcer – someone who introduces programs or announces events
- Answer – a response to a question
- Ant – a small industrious insect
- Antelope – a fast four-legged animal
- Anteater – an insect-eating animal with a long nose
- Antennae – the feelers insects use on their head.
- Antler – the pointy horns deer have on their head.
- Antique – an object that is very old and often rare
- Ants – small industrious insects that live in colonies
- Anvil – a heavy iron block used in forging
- Apartment – a home that’s part of a larger building
- Appointment – a planned meeting
- Architect – someone who designs buildings
- Army – an organized military group of people trained to fight on land
- Astronaut – someone who travels in space
- Athlete – someone who plays sports or exercises
- Attorney – a lawyer
- Aunt – your parent’s sister or your uncle’s wife
- Author – someone who writes something
- Auto – a short word for automobile
- Automobile – a vehicle for a few passengers
- Aviator – someone who operates aircraft
- Accordion – a portable musical instrument
- Algae – simple plants that live in water
- Angel – a heavenly being sent by God
- Apple – a sweet, round fruit with a skin and flesh
- Avocado – a green fruit with a large pit
- Ax – a tool for chopping wood
- Axis – an imaginary line around which something rotates
- Azalea – a flowering shrub
- Airplane – a flying vehicle with wings and propellers
Common Nouns That Start With A
Some very common nouns start with A, like:
- Adult
- Animal
- Area
- Article
- Asphalt
- Atom
- Attic
- Attitude
- Audience
Positive Nouns That Start With A
Nouns starting with A can have a hopeful, positive meaning. Here are some upbeat A nouns:
- Achievement
- Advantage
- Affection
- Affirmation
- Affluence
- Agility
- Agreeability
- Altruism
- Amazement
- Ambition
- Amnesty
- Amusement
- Applause
- Appreciation
- Approval
- Attentiveness
- Attraction
Proper Nouns That Start With A
Proper nouns are capitalized nouns that name a specific thing.
- Alice
- Antarctica
- Asia
- August
- Amazon River
- Appalachians
- Argentina
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Atlanta
- Atlantic Ocean
- Australia
- Austria
Abstract Nouns That Start With A
Abstract nouns express ideas you can’t touch. Here are some interesting ones beginning with A:
- Ability
- Attitude
- Anxiety
- Awareness
- Ambition
- Acceptance
- Acclaim
- Accomplishment
- Accuracy
- Achievement
- Acumen
- Admiration
- Adoration
- Adulthood
- Adversity
- Advocacy
- Aesthetics
- Affability
- Affection
- Affluence
- Aggression
- Agility
- Agonies
- Agony
- Agreement
- Alienation
- Allegiance
- Allegory
- Altruism
- Ambiguity
- Amity
- Amusement
- Anger
- Anguish
- Animosity
- Anonymity
- Anticipation
- Apathy
- Apprehension
- Appreciation
- Approval
- Aptitude
- Ardor
- Arrogance
- Aspiration
- Assurance
- Astonishment
- Aura
- Authenticity
- Authority
- Autonomy
- Aversion
- Awe
List of 200+ Nouns that Start with A
Here is an alphabetical list of over 200 nouns that start with the letter A:
Aardvark | Abandonment | Abbey | Abbreviation | Abilty |
Ablution | Abroad | Absence | Abstract | Abuse |
Academy | Acceleration | Accept | Acceptance | Access |
Accent | Accolade | Accomplice | Accord | Account |
Accountant | Accuracy | Accusation | Ache | Achievement |
Acid | Acknowledge | Acne | Acorn | Acoustics |
Acquaintance | Acquittal | Act | Action | Actor |
Active | Activity | Acupuncturist | Adam’s Apple | Adaptation |
Addition | Address | Adolescence | Adult | Advance |
Advantage | Advertisement | Advice | Advisor | Aerial |
Aesthetic | Affair | Affliction | Afternoon | Afterthought |
Agate | Agenda | Agent | Aggregation | Agony |
Agreement | Agriculture | Air | Airplane | Airport |
Alarm | Album | Alcohol | Ale | Algebra |
Alert | Alien | Alike | Alive | Alley |
Alligator | Ally | Alpha | Alphabet | Altitude |
Always | Amulet | Analysis | Ancestor | Anchor |
Anecdote | Angel | Angina | Angle | Angry |
Animal | Ankle | Anniversary | Anonymous | Answer |
Ant | Antenna | Antelope | Anthropic | Anthropic |
Anti- | Anxiety | Any | Apartment | Ape |
Apiary | Apollo | Apology | Apparel | Appearance |
Appeal | Appendix | Application | Appliance | Appointment |
Approach | Approval | Arch | Archive | Architect |
Area | Arm | Armadillo | Armistice | Armor |
Army | Arrow | Art | Artery | Artist |
Arts | Ashes | Asia | Asian | Aspect |
Assault | Assembly | Assessment | Asset | Assign |
Assist | Assistance | Associate | Assumption | Asterisk |
Asteroid | Astronaut | Astronomy | Athlete | Atmosphere |
Atom | Attachment | Attack | Attempt | Attention |
Attic | Attitude | Attorney | Attraction | Aunt |
Australian | Authority | Auto | Autumn | Avenue |
Average | Avocado | Aviator | Avocado | Awe |
Awesome | Awareness | Awkward | Ax |
The letter A begins many excellent nouns, from short and simple to sophisticated. Nouns for real things and abstract ideas start with A, making it a great place to find useful nouns. While there are well over 200 amazing A nouns covered here, this article looked at some of the most popular and intriguing ones.